Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Doing and Being

It seems like so many people accept Christ and then stop. It's as if they say the magic words, ask Jesus into their lives, and then fall into a coma. I just don't get it.

We get this great gift and then we don't do anything with it. We don't explore it, we don't learn about it, we don't use it, we don't share it, and heaven forbid we let it transform us.


That's about it, we just do. We DO church when we need to BE the Church.

Some days I watch them, the smiling zombies, come into service. Forgive me, I know it's not very Christian. It's just that my heart is on fire and when I stare into their blank eyes my heart aches for them. Don't they see what we have been given? Aren't they excited? Are they afraid? Do they not understand? They smile, nod, shake hands, hug, and catch-up on each other's lives. The service starts and the worship music gets the juice flowing. They can feel it, you can see it in them; the Spirit is there. The sermon comes and they follow along. They nod and agree. The Spirit convicts them, He excites them, He stirs something deep inside of them.

And then the service ends. It's as if they are pushing the Spirit out of themselves. There are things to do, places to go, people to see. They talk with a few more people. They put a few chairs away or try to help with some other small task. They've DOne their work for the church. That's good for now. They'll be back again next week, unless there's something more interesting to do. "That was great, I can't wait to get that feeling again." they say.

But before they go; they suggest - "We should..., It would be great if..., What if... ."

"Oh not me of course..., I just don't have the time..., Couldn't you... ." they say.

"This was great." they say. "We'll DO it again next week, if I can make it of course."

Father I thank you for those who do get it, for those who can't get enough. I thank you that I get to BE with these people. For those who help me to grow, those who allow me to serve, and those who put up with me and all my faults. For those who love me because they can't help it. Forgive me for being critical, help me to change. Help me to love like you do and teach me to touch those that just DO.


Unnamed Author. said...

When I first started to read this I thought, "Maybe you don't see that you've been given a gift that they haven't. Your heart is on fire - maybe there's hasn't been lit yet. Maybe yours is on fire to help light theirs. To those who much is given, much is expected. God gives leaders more than others, I think?" But - by the end, I just felt convicted that I don't do enough - and that I have been one of those people who says they don't have the time. Forgive me Father - and help me to give more of myself, ''my'' time to you.

John said...

Hmmm, it's been quite a while since I wrote the original post. It's funny now looking back on it.

I guess I still don't understand why everyone isn't on fire but I've come to accept it and it's become my desire to help people burn for God.

Forgive me if I made you feel like you have to do more. At one point I really felt that people needed to do more - now I want people to feel like they can't help but do more (for Jesus, for the church, for the lost) because of their love and awe of God.